SaaS, ERP, and CRM: An Alphabet Soup of Opportunity

EDUCAUSE Showcase Series | SaaS, ERP, and CRM: An Alphabet Soup of Opportunity.

The implementation of a new system or ERP is an opportunity to work with stakeholders across campus to improve processes, build better data-management policies, and enable data-informed decision-making. Capitalizing on the strategic value of various systems depends on having the will, the vision, and the methods for effective change management.

The Will to Change: Deciding to Replace

Drawing of a personrunning and bursting through a wall.

The process of deciding whether and how to replace an existing ERP system can be strikingly complex, involving issues of functionality, costs, data management, and cultural change. Considerable planning is necessary for the amount of change that will occur, the number of people who will be involved, and the business processes that will be disrupted.

Read “Real-World Experiences and Advice on Selecting, Implementing, and Running Next-Generation ERPs,” EDUCAUSE Review.

'The Successful ERP Implementations we've seen had underlying success factors such as executive sponsorship, a commitment to using modern practices, and appropriate resourcing.' -David Seidl, Vice President for Information Technology and CIO, Miami University, and Michele Norin, Senior Vice President and CIO, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

The Vision to Change: Implementing for Transformation

Campus leaders need to set their sights higher than just a successful "go live." Extensive preparations and a deep exploration of the drivers of an ERP implementation can bring about institutional transformation and help achieve institutional missions.

Dive into More Than “Going Live”: Achieving Institutional Transformation through ERP Implementation.

Drawing of a person on a mountain peak looking through a telescope at another peak that has a flag on it.
6 Pillars of Preparation for an ERP Implementation. 1. Conducting current-state process review. 2. Assessing functional department needs (current and future). 3. Establishing project vision/goals. 4. Assessing third-party system integrations. 5. Assessing analytics and reporting needs from the ERP system. 6. Developing a staffing plan for implementation. Caption: More Than 'Going Live': Achieving Institutional Transformation Through ERP Implementation (EDUCAUSE Research Report)

The Methods to Change: Understanding the Market

Drawing of a person standing on one end of a tape measurer and the other holding the other end at the top of a cliff.

For institutions experiencing staffing and budgetary challenges, implementing finance, HR/payroll, and/or SIS ERP systems presents opportunities to increase efficiencies and automate a wide variety of administrative processes.

Explore "The EDUCAUSE Technology Solutions Market Dashboard: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems," EDUCAUSE Review.

Showcase Webinar

Missed the Showcase Webinar | SaaS, ERP, and CRM: An Alphabet Soup of Opportunity on August 22? Check out the recording to hear from experts in ERP implementations.

We hope the lessons from this Showcase will guide your discussions about enterprise system integrations. Next up, we’ll explore the latest about using technology to increase efficiency and streamline the path to success in Smooth Sailing for the Student Experience launching September 11.