IT Security Questionnaire/IT Standards and Requirements Questionnaire


The University of Missouri IT Standards and Requirements Questionnaire (ITSRQ), currently in draft form, is predominantly focused on SaaS solutions although it can be readily adapted for other purposes. Developed through leadership from our EA office, it will be included in every IT or IT-related RFP/RFB.  

Customization of the ITSRQ is required virtually every time it is used. The customization process affords central IT an opportunity to sit down with University departments to gain a thorough understanding of functional needs that sometimes conflicts with technology and security requirements.

The Information Technology Security Questionnaire (ITSQ), which has been in use for several years, helps assess the security posture of all IT systems, whether hosted or premise-based. Since it is also included as part of the bid/proposal process, vendor answers to the ITSQ are binding.  Ultimately, the ITSQ and the ITSRQ will be merged to provide a single set of IT Standards, security requirements, SLA and other requirements.

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