The 2011 Enterprise Application Market in Higher Education

This research report explores the enterprise application landscape in higher education. Learn which types of applications are more—and less—widespread, which solutions are most common, when open source is most widespread, and the frequency of outsourcing and the system office in application management.

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Key Findings

  • Almost every college and university (>95%) delivers a set of six core applications: student information, HR/payroll, finance, e-mail (for faculty and staff and for students), learning management, and IT help desk trouble ticketing.
  • Learning/course management systems is the most homogeneous application area, with 94% of institutions using one of only five solution providers.
  • Open-source options are more widespread in LMS and CMS than other application areas.
  • Grants-management solutions—both for pre-award and for post-award application—are the most commonly homegrown tools among the application areas in our study.

In Progress

An ECAR study of ERP cost drivers—examining costs, outcomes, and challenges of recent implementations of financial, HR, student, learning management, and grants-management applications—will be published in fall 2013.

Related ECAR Research

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