Focus Areas and Initiatives

Our Pillars, Your Interests

EDUCAUSE focuses on the campus-wide uses of technology for academic, administrative, research, and business purposes, as well as issues such as governance, policy, and cybersecurity and privacy. Our association's programming and services are guided by three main areas of focus.

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    CIOs and Senior Technology Leaders

    The CIO and Senior Technology Leaders Program helps you navigate strategic issues and challenges and advance your role as an institutional partner.

    Visit the program →

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    Cybersecurity and Privacy

    The Cybersecurity Program helps you learn about, better understand, and promote information security and privacy across your campus.

    Visit the program →

  • person holding a monitor showing a group of people. A mortar board is above one shoulder and a wi-fi signal is above the other.

    Teaching and

    The Teaching and Learning Program helps you advance learning through the innovative application of technology across your campus.

    Visit the program →

IT and Other Campus Professionals

As an IT, research, library, academic, or business office professional, you know that understanding how technology supports your organization's success is key. Explore our communities, research, and events available for you.

Explore →

Additional Initiatives We Help You Address

In addition to our three main areas of focus, EDUCAUSE tackles just-in-time and ongoing initiatives that are of critical importance to higher education. Some initiatives include the following: