EDUCAUSE Review Magazine, Volume 46, Number 4, July/August 2011

min read
Why IT Matters to Higher Education

Trends in IT Sourcing

Do-It-Yourself IT? Maybe Not…


Ed Mahon, Michael R. McPherson, Joseph Vaughan, Theresa Rowe, Michael P. Pickett, John A. Bielec
EDUCAUSE Review recently asked six CIOs to talk about alternative IT sourcing strategies and about whether they are, or aren’t, “doing it themselves”—providing technology services—at their institutions.
Gregory A. Jackson
With the era of control ending for campus IT organizations, leaders need to learn to use some known management approaches and methods in radically different ways.
Michael A. Corn, Cathy Hubbs, Brian T. Nichols, and Rodney Petersen
In this interview, three higher education privacy, security, and risk professionals discuss the common challenges and opportunities inherent in alternative IT sourcing.


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